Monday, November 22, 2010


The dreaded "decorate the house for Christmas" time has come. This year I have been a bit scroogy. This year I was especially dreading it because I have a 1 year old roaming around the house that likes to shall we say destroy everything in his path. He isn't trying to be bad he is just really curious. He wonders things like what will happen if I stick my hand down the toilet or I wonder what it is like to stick my finger in the light socket. He also wonders what will happen if I throw my sippy cup at mom in the face as hard as I can or will it even phase Dad if I whack him over the head with a baseball bat. Anyway, putting up the tree was very trying this year. I know if I was an outsider looking in it would have been hysterical because with every ornament that was placed on the tree he was right behind me taking another one off of the tree. Here is the first ornament casualty of 2010

Mind you, this was at about 6:00 this morning before my eyes had even adjusted to the light, before I had my coffee! After a scolding I turned the corner to find this:
So my brilliant tactic of not putting any of the fragile ornaments on the bottom of the tree is basically useless because he was innovative enough to get them anyway. About 10 minutes later when I went upstairs to get dressed I came down to find this:

Yup, he climbed up the TALL bar stool and sat himself on the counter and dumped out a can of leftover rootbeer on his leg. He was splashing it around with a big smile when I caught him. Oh well. Such is life with a 1 year old I suppose. It is impossibly hard to stay mad at a face like this though!

I find that lately I have been in a little "funk". So, I decided that I am going to make a list of things that I am thankful for. Today I am thankful for the gym, Christmas decorations up, friends over playing with the kids, my 5 year olds Thanksgiving program at school and last but not least...Yo Gabba Gabba so I can shower!


Monday, November 15, 2010


I've been absent for awhile! Just wanted to blog about our thankful turkeys we did yesterday. Part of being a mom that I love the most is doing little fun "kid" projects. I am a crafty person by nature and I love this one! I did not come up with this one on my own. I got it off of the internet and I am sorry to say I have no clue which website. On each feather is something that my boys say they are thankful for. I thought they might have a hard time coming up with 9 things to be thankful for but they didn't, which I am glad for. The funniest was that Jake is thankful for Dr. James Naismith (the inventor of basketball). Also that Brady is thankful for time, which I still don't really know what that means but's his turkey so he can put what he wants. I am thankful for way to many things to write about. What are you thankful for?
