Monday, October 18, 2010


I have been absent on the blog for a long time. I don't know why. I haven't felt like there has been anything interesting to blog about I guess. Is that sad and pathetic? I think it might be. I'm sort of in a sewing rut. For several months now I have only been making the same things over and over. Just the appliqued onesies. They sell really well so I guess I shouldn't call it a rut. I can feel that I will be taking on something new and challenging soon. I don't know what yet but I have the urge to create something that I haven't done yet. I guess we shall see.

The following are pictures of my sewing room or as I like to call it my dungeon. I call it the dungeon because it is an unfinished room in the basement. No windows, no carpet, no personality. It also has dim lighting and is very cold. It's a wonder I ever go down there at all. I do feel fortunate that I do have a little corner in the house just for me though. By nature I am a fairly unorganized person. I do not like cleaning my messes as you can tell from these pictures. Yes, the stuff on the floor is trash. Well, I guess I should call it remains from my applique backs which I guess is technically trash. Why don't I throw that stuff in the trash can you ask? Very good question....when I am in the middle of ironing these appliques to my shirts I don't have time to throw them in the trash. DUH! It's just easier to throw them on the floor. Anyway getting on with my point-I need to have all of this crap cleaned up by tomorrow! I am trying to organize another part of my basement and I am bringing all future garage sale items into my sewing room. I LOATHE (I hate the word loathe by the way and moist and loaf-more on that some other time) cleaning the sewing room. I have it so out of control that I don't know where to begin. So many scraps of disorganized fabric and ribbon remains. UGG! Oh well, it has to be done so be it.

Please note that the rest of my house is not like this. Only my sewing room and my closet....honest!


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