Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Well...here is my picture for my m3b p52 and sweet shot Tuesday.  It's sort of in honor of Valentines day coming up.  This is a picture of my table on my deck.  The hole is where the umbrella is supposed to be inserted in the summertime.  I didn't realize how tricky it was to photograph snow.  It is early evening in this picture so lightning isn't the greatest.  If it ever gets sunny here then I am going to try to take some more shots of the snow.  Visit http://www.my3boybarians.com/ for some other cool shots!

Sweet Shot Day


deb duty said...

Love your photo! Very creative!

Unknown said...

very creative :-)


Kaye Swain - SandwichINK for grandparents and caregivers said...

Oh how cute! And wouldn't this also be one of those fairly easy and fun craft ideas for grandchildren and us seniors who love them - to create a cute Valentine's card together. Thanks for the intriguing idea and a very Sweet Shot Tuesday :)

Anonymous said...

Very creative indeed! Great shot!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh this is adorable!! it would so cute to have this in a frame!

Kristi said...


Lizzi said...

Great shot and creativity!

Susan said...

How neat!!

julie said...

What a creative shot! Love it :)
Also, your blog header is gorgeous!!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

You are so right about trying to take pictures of snow. I love this idea, so creative! I wonder how the sunny picture would turn out. I might have to give this a try on our picnic table. Thanks for the inspiration.